Top Fintech Books Recommended By Industry Leaders


The financial technology industry is amid an unprecedented upheaval, which is upending the conventional financial services industry and transforming how we manage, invest, and do business. Industry experts, as well as enthusiasts, need to remain current on the most recent developments, ideas, and insights in the field of FinTech. The wisdom that is offered in books suggested by famous FinTech industry experts who are still attuned to this dynamic sector is one of the finest ways to get insightful ideas, and it is one of the most accessible ways as well. In this blog post, we have painstakingly compiled a list of essential books for 2024, based on the recommendations of highly regarded FinTech industry experts and thought leaders.

“The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton Christensen

Recommended by: Max Levchin, Co-founder of PayPal Source: Levchin’s Twitter Account (@mlevchin)

Max Levchin, a pioneer in financial technology, recommends that readers investigate “The Innovator’s Dilemma” written by Clayton Christensen. This seminal work investigates why established businesses frequently fail in the face of disruptive technologies. Aspiring fintech startups looking to carve out a competitive advantage might benefit significantly from the advice provided in this book.

“Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps” by Daniel Drescher

Recommended by: Blythe Masters, Former CEO of Digital Asset Holdings Source: Interview with Blythe Masters on CNBC

Blythe Masters believes that “Blockchain Basics” is an outstanding introduction to blockchain technology. This book is like a lighthouse; it sheds light on the fundamental ideas that drive blockchain technology and demonstrates how blockchain has the potential to spark a revolution in finance.

“The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money are Challenging the Global Economic Order” by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey

Recommended by: Chris Larsen, Co-founder of Ripple Source: Larsen’s Blog Post on Medium

Chris Larsen recommends “The Age of Cryptocurrency” as a book that everyone should read if they want to understand cryptocurrencies’ revolutionary power. This book explores digital currencies’ influence on the traditional financial environment and provides insightful forecasts about the type of currency that will be used in the future.

“The Fintech Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs, and Visionaries” by Susanne Chishti and Janos Barberis

Recommended by: Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce Source: Benioff’s Interview with Bloomberg

Marc Benioff lauds “The Fintech Book” for its thorough coverage of the wide variety of components that make up the FinTech ecosystem. This compendium offers a bird’ s-eye view of the developments and trends in the FinTech industry, drawing on the expertise of more than 150 leading figures in the field.

“Digital Bank: Strategies to Launch or Become a Digital Bank” by Chris Skinner

Recommended by: Anne Boden, CEO of Starling Bank Source: Interview with Anne Boden on Finextra

The book “Digital Bank” has a lot of valuable insights into different digital banking practices, which is why Anne Boden recommends it. The book explores the depths of the issues and opportunities that traditional banks face in the digital era, making it a treasure trove for enthusiasts of the financial technology sector (FinTech).

“The PayPal Wars: Battles with eBay, the Media, the Mafia, and the Rest of Planet Earth” by Eric M. Jackson

Recommended by: Peter Thiel, Co-founder of PayPal Source: Thiel’s Book Recommendation on LinkedIn

Peter Thiel recommends reading “The Pulp Wars” because of the book’s compelling tale of the early days of PayPal and the challenges the company faced on its way to success. This book is an excellent resource because it teaches lessons in entrepreneurship and the dynamics of growing a successful fintech business.

“Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future” by Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson

Recommended by: Catherine Wood, CEO of ARK Invest Source: Interview with Catherine Wood on CNBC

Catherine Wood touts “Machine, Platform, Crowd” as an enlightening discourse on the repercussions of technological breakthroughs across various businesses, including the financial technology industry. This book explains how new business paradigms emerge due to the convergence of machine learning, platform computing, and crowdsourcing.

“Bank 4.0: Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank” by Brett King

Recommended by: Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase Source: King’s Interview on The Fintech Blueprint Podcast

Brian Armstrong promotes the concept of “Bank 4.0” as an indispensable roadmap for developing banking in the digital era. This book traces the history of the development of financial services and examines the essential part that technology plays in molding customer relationships.

“The Future of Finance: The Impact of FinTech, AI, and Crypto on Financial Services” by Henri Arslanian

Recommendation – Henri Arslanian’s LinkedIn post on Top Books for FinTech Enthusiasts

As the title suggests, this book comprehensively explores how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies are reshaping the financial services landscape. Henri Arslanian, a prominent FinTech thought leader, offers valuable insights into the future of finance and the opportunities and challenges it presents.

Those working in the FinTech industry and fans must maintain a high level of awareness regarding the most current advancements and fashions in the industry. The publications that are widely regarded as landmarks in the field of financial technology offer readers invaluable insights into the difficulties, opportunities, and innovations that are driving the sector ahead in the year 2023. These books are recommended because they contain a wealth of information and insights from the people driving the revolution in the financial technology industry. Whether your goal is to understand the complexities of blockchain technology, to comprehend the potential of cryptocurrencies, to untangle the complexities of digital banking, or to ponder the broader implications of technology on finance, you will find that these books contain a treasure trove of knowledge. Therefore, set out on an adventure through the works suggested to you, and allow yourself to become engrossed in the fascinating web of innovation that is FinTech!