How Autonomous Payment Systems Can Change Fintech?


The Internet of Things (IoT) is having a profound impact on the way we work and live in this era of rapid technological advancement. It should come as no surprise that IoT devices are also being utilized to facilitate financial transactions given how deeply these gadgets are getting embedded into our everyday lives. Transactions that take place between devices or between devices and humans can be handled in a practical and safe manner thanks to IoT payments. Autonomous payments through the internet of things have a wide range of potential applications. This includes in retail and healthcare settings, as well as in connected homes. Throughout the course of this blog, we will investigate the realm of Internet of Things (IoT) payments. We will do this by looking into the advantages and disadvantages that come along with this growing technology.

People need banking, not banks. – Ranjit Sarai, President’s Choice Financial

What is an Autonomous Payment?

How do you define autonomously processing finance? Autonomous finance and accounting can be described as financial services driven by algorithms that make choices or act on behalf of the client. Autonomous finance uses technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, to make customers’ lives easier by taking care of a lot of important financial decisions and actions for them.

What is autonomous finance in the real world? Over the past few decades, financial services have become more technological, leading to the creation of autonomous finance. Autonomous finance is a natural result of all the technological advances we’ve seen over the years. From AI to access to data we’ve never had before. This is how self-directed finance is finally possible.

It’s important to note that the phrase “autonomous” covers a wide range of functionality, i.e. robotic process automation (RPA). The most useful types of autonomous finance are those that use AI-based solutions to automate 80–100% of all decision-making processes. Every company should strive for levels where it can fully leverage AI and machine learning to increase productivity and further expansion.

IoT Payments Market size is anticipated to reach $5.4 trillion by 2028, up from $155.53 billion in 2021, increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 66% worldwide.

When compared to other industries, the payments business is already highly automated and digitised, relying on the safe connection of millions of devices (such as payment terminals, contactless cards, cash machines, and smartphones). This is in contrast to other industries. The Internet of Things (IoT) Payment Revolution will lead to an increase in the degree to which these payments are triggered independently by machines.

Digital Payments Are More Secure Than Cash, Give Other Benefits

What are Autonomous Payments Examples?

Transactions that are considered to be autonomous payments are those that are initiated by an authorized virtual payment agent working on behalf of the customer. This payment agent may exist as either a hardware or software component of an Internet of Things device. Alternately, it might take the shape of a smart contract, which is a type of “programmable money” that enables payments to be made automatically when predetermined criteria are satisfied. The following are some examples of payments made by themselves:

Internet of Things Payments

IoT payments are payment transactions that are triggered by internet-connected devices that have a certain degree of autonomy and are based on the data that the devices gather and analyse. For example, if a mobile phone uses its knowledge of the person’s location to automatically trigger a payment (with limited or no engagement from the user), then this would be termed an Internet of Things payment.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts in which the terms of the agreement between the buyer and seller are directly encoded into lines of code. These types of contracts are becoming increasingly popular as a means of conducting business. A blockchain network contains both the code and the agreements that are encoded within the code. The payment is made in accordance with the terms of the smart contract when specific conditions are satisfied.

Solutions That Are Walk-in And Walk-out In Nature

When making low-value or frequent purchases of similar items, autonomous payments can give a truly frictionless shopping experience. For instance, solutions such as walk-in/walk-out for public transit or parking can be activated automatically by the user’s device.

Transactions That Occur On Their Own

Transactions that are considered autonomous do not involve any form of compensation and are carried out for their own sake, that is, for the purpose of generating a profit. They appear on the balance sheets of both the current and the capital accounts. The term “autonomous transactions” refers to both exports and imports in the context of the current account. In addition to this, it includes unilateral transfers. These are not considered commercial items because they do not contribute to a balance in the country’s balance of payments.


What are the Benefits of Autonomous Finance?

The term “autonomous finance” refers to the application of cutting-edge technology. For instance, artificial intelligence and machine learning, in order to automate and simplify many aspects of the financial sector.

It goes beyond the capabilities of typical automation to include things like self-learning and self-correction. It can also make judgements based on the data it gathers.

The following is a list of some advantages of autonomous finance:

Effectiveness and Reduction in Wasted Time

By automating financial procedures, decision-making, and service provision, autonomous finance has the potential to boost productivity while also saving time.

It minimises inefficiencies and inconsistencies in manual financial operations, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. These processes can be made more accurate by using this technology.

Increased Accuracy

Autonomous finance has the potential to improve the accuracy of financial operations. It does this by reducing the likelihood of errors caused by human intervention.


Autonomous finance has the potential to offer individualized financial planning and the automation of financial transactions and investments. It enables it according to an individual’s specific objectives and comfort level with risk. It improves personalisation capabilities, which in turn leads to an enhanced experience for customers.

Other Advantages of Autonomous Payments

Automation of typical financial processes, such as bill payments and investment transactions, can lead to a reduction in costs. This is thanks to autonomous finance’s potential to do so. Additionally, it can assist in the streamlining of financial procedures, thereby making them both quicker and more efficient. In general, autonomous finance can result in improved real-time insights, simplified compliance, and increased financial plan flexibility. It has the potential to revolutionize the entire financial function. From the back office to the office of the chief financial officer (CFO).


Deploy autonomous finance in the investments area. Even when there is no or very little spare cash available since it is viewed as vitally necessary to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the investor, its parts, everything about finance, and the general populace.

Sources: Worldline, Gartner, Persistent, Worldline, aimultiple

“Discover the transformative impact of autonomous payment systems on the Fintech landscape. Explore the potential revolution, efficiencies, and innovative possibilities these systems offer within the financial technology sector.”