Breaking Banks

Join the leading global fintech radio show and podcast. Each week, we delve into the lives of personalities, startups, innovators, and industry influencers shaping the financial services landscape. From established players to unicorns, and from groundbreaking technology to the visionaries employing it, we're crafting a more innovative, inclusive, and robust financial future.


Breaking Banks

Tier One People, renowned leaders in Fintech Executive search, proudly introduces Fintech Chatter—an acclaimed podcast hailed as Australia’s premier Fintech series! Hosted by Dexter Cousins, a distinguished Fintech Headhunter and advisor to some of the world’s foremost fintech firms on hiring and leadership matters. Fintech Chatter serves as the ultimate destination for all things Fintech across Australia and the APAC region. Dive into insightful discussions covering AI, blockchain, digital banks, insurtech, payments, embedded finance, open banking, digital assets, and other groundbreaking technologies.

Dexter curates exclusive interviews with esteemed Fintech pioneers, unveiling their secrets on leadership, entrepreneurship, Fintech innovation, product development, growth strategies, top talent acquisition, venture capital, fundraising, scaling, and invaluable startup insights. Fintech Shots delivers regular updates and industry news spanning Asia. Moreover, Dexter shares his expertise on careers, leadership, and hiring, all through the lens of the ever-evolving Fintech landscape.

Some of The Recent Episodes Deciphered Podcast

Roll on the New Year: What will we see in FinTech in 2024?

Disequilibrium in Banking: Have we restored balance?

AI in Fintech, will this level the competitive advantage?

The growth imperative: How do you keep innovating in the largest financial institutions?