
Reed isn't your average job board. As a leading online platform in the UK, Reed connects top FinTech talent with ambitious companies seeking to innovate. With over 100,000 jobs constantly listed, we offer a vast pool of qualified professionals across various industries. It offers a dynamic platform for FinTech professionals to explore their dream jobs, listing a wide range of roles, including FinTech Analysts, Payments Specialists, Blockchain Developers, and more!



Reed is your one-stop shop to connect with the talent driving innovation. They are a leading online job board in the UK, established in 1995 and trusted by businesses of all sizes.

Why Choose Reed for FinTech Recruitment?

  • Extensive Network: With over 7,000 employers and 100,000+ active jobs, you’ll find a massive pool of qualified FinTech professionals.
  • Targeted Reach: Go beyond generic job boards. Reed lets you target FinTech specialists across various roles, from entry-level analysts to seasoned professionals.
  • Streamlined Recruitment: Save time and resources with our user-friendly platform for posting jobs, managing applications, and connecting with top talent.

Looking for a FinTech Job?

Reed offers a dynamic platform for FinTech professionals to explore exciting career opportunities. They list a wide range of roles, including:

  • FinTech Analysts: Analyze market trends, assess financial risks, and develop innovative financial products.
  • Payments Specialists: Design and implement secure payment solutions for the digital age.
  • Blockchain Developers: Build secure and transparent financial applications using blockchain technology.
  • RegTech Specialists: Ensure compliance with ever-evolving financial regulations.
  • Data Scientists: Leverage data to drive insights and inform strategic decision-making.

And Many More! Find your perfect match today.

Whether you’re a job seeker looking to propel your FinTech career or an employer seeking the best talent, Reed is your ideal partner. Browse the FinTech job listings, post your job openings, and connect with the future of finance!

More On Reed

Reed isn’t just another online job board, they bridge the gap between talented individuals and their dream jobs. Here’s how the platform streamlines the process for everyone:

Employers Take Charge:

  • Post Clear Descriptions: Create detailed job listings outlining the role, responsibilities, and qualifications needed.
  • Find Ideal Candidates: Utilize our powerful search tools to target the perfect fit, from entry-level to seasoned professionals.

Job Seekers Get Matched:

  • Effortless Search: Find your ideal opportunity with filters for keywords, titles, locations, and even desired salary ranges.
  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your applications and stay informed about their status – all in one convenient location.

Connecting the Right People:

Reed empowers both employers and job seekers with a user-friendly experience. Employers can efficiently manage the hiring process, while job seekers discover relevant opportunities and track their progress effortlessly. It’s a win-win for everyone!